- Native Photoshop and Illustrator import(能够无间隙地倒入psd和ai文件)
- Powerful integration with Illustrator CS3(能够与Illustrator集成,类似于Flash与Fireworks的关系)
- Convert animation to ActionScript 3.0(把动画转为代码,我想大楷为Flex2的吧)
- Common Adobe Creative Suite 3 user interface(CS3通用的用户界面)
- ActionScript 3.0 development with advanced debugger(AS3.0开发环境与高级调试环境,但它能超过基于Eclipse的FlexBuilder2吗?)
- Adobe Device Central(一个为手机开发的环境)
- New drawing tools(新的画图工具)
- New optimized and easily skinned UI components for ActionScript 3.0(新的UI组件,我想可能类似于Flex2的)
- Advanced QuickTime export(高级视频导出,能将AS实现的部分也导出)
- Sophisticated video encoding(更好的视频编码)
- Time-saving programming tools(自动存盘工具)