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Eclipse 3.3发布!

Eclipse 3.3终于发布了!

可以看到顺应开发人员的呼声, 可以下载自定义的软件包。

Eclipse Packages

java Eclipse IDE for Java Developers - Windows (78 MB) The essential tools for any Java developer, including a Java IDE, a CVS client, XML Editor and Mylyn. Find out more... Windows Linux MacOSX
c/c++ Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers - Windows (62 MB) An IDE for C/C++ developers. Find out more... Windows Linux MacOSX
RCP Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers - Windows (153 MB) A complete set of tools for developers who want to create Eclipse plug-ins or Rich Client Applications. It includes a complete SDK, developer tools and source code. Find out more... Windows Linux MacOSX
Classic Eclipse Classic - Windows (140 MB) The classic Eclipse download: the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation. Find out more... Windows Linux MacOSX
